[English] [田中のホーム] [研究成果一覧]

Reconciling Work and Family

issues and policies in Japan
阿部 正浩 + 濱本 知寿香 + 田中 重人 <tsigeto(AT)nik.sal.tohoku.ac.jp>
(獨協大学; 大東文化大学; 東北大学)
Conditions of Work and Employment Series No. 5.
Published by International Labour Office (2003).
ISBN 92-2-114265-5 (softcover); 92-2-114266-3 (PDF)



ILO の Conditions of Work and Employment Programme への報告書。仕事と家庭の両立に関して、法制度、家族制度、経済的条件、政策等を幅広く分析している。



I. Introduction and context

II. Family trends: The implications for work of changing family needs

III. Working conditions and family support measures: Their impact on family

IV. What is missing? The gap between work-family needs and work-family support

IV. Overview of the major issues

V. Summary and conclusions



東北大学 / 文学部 / 日本語教育学 / 田中重人

Copyright (c) 2004 TANAKA Sigeto

E-mail: tsigeto(AT)nik.sal.tohoku.ac.jp

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