
Professor SAITO Tomohiro

Affiliations :

Deciding on Your Own

I study Chinese thought in the Sui, Tang, and the Five Dynasties periods (approximately from 7th to 10th century A.D.) with a focus on Chan Buddhism.
Incidentally, I am not the type of person who checks the weather before going out and then wears an extra layer or takes an umbrella just in case. As a child, I often lost my temper when Mother started nagging me about that.
- It is cold – you must wear a jacket! What about the other children in your class? What a shame!
- How can you tell that I’m cold? Those children in my class are just a nameless crowd for you! And it is you who are ashamed, not me!
Mother was exasperated.
But now that I remember it, that fight followed the principles of Chan Buddhism to the letter. Chan Buddhists strive to achieve enlightenment in order to practice and embody principles laid down by dogmatics. I can imagine someone yelling: “So you can decide for yourself?! But if you question the nature of Buddhism, why don’t you question the nature of self?!” But no one in a Chan training hall would ridicule the decision to think for oneself as childish.

  • Research, History
  • Books, papers, etc.
  • Courses
    Chinese Thought (General Lecture); Chinese Thought (Introductory Reading); Chinese Thought (Special Lecture); Chinese Thought (Seminar); Chinese Thought (Advanced Lecture); Chinese Thought (Advanced Seminar)
    Personal History
    Received a B.A. in Chinese philosophy at the Faculty of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University
    Completed the doctoral program at the Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University

    Research Associate, Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University
    Research Associate, Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University
    Assistant Professor, Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University
    Current position
    Ph.D. (Literature)
    Thought and religion in medieval China; history of Chan Buddhism in China; intellectuals of the Tang period and their spiritual life
    Research Subject
    Chinese Medieval Intellectual History;History of religion in China
    History of Buddhist thought in China
    Society for the Study of Chinese Literature, History, and Philosophy; The Sinological Society of Tohoku; The Sinological Society of Japan; The Toho Gakkai (The Institute of Eastern Culture); Association of East Asian Buddhist Studies; Society for Zen Buddhist Studies; Hakusan Sinological Society
    Database of Researchers Information
  • Books
    Academic Papers
    「所謂“見仏性”―唐代禅宗的実践」、『東亜仏教研究Ⅳ―仏教制度与 実践』、方立天・末木文美士主編、宗教文化出版社、2014、195-219
    「広州光孝寺六祖慧能碑と『六祖壇経』-空間化されるテクスト-」、 『空間史学叢書2 装飾の地層』、空間史学研究会編、岩田書院、2015、143-174
    『東北大学附属図書館所蔵中国金石文拓本集:附関連資料』の刊行によせて、『東アジア石刻研究』6、2015、1-16 (with Ōno Kōji and Watanabe Kenya)
    Opening discussion「『「地域」再考―復興の可能性を求めて―』で考えたこと」『東北大学ブックレット 考えるということ』9、07.2014、2-9(with Kawaguchi Yukihiro, Kanomata Yoshitaka and Toshima Kiyoshi; with Shimazaki Satoru as a chairman)
    NHK World Great Gear、20.04.2016(presentation)
    (participated in the special feature on Murabayashi Takao and his company Rebotech Inc. with Ōno Kōji and Watanabe Kenya)