
Professor OKOCHI Sho

Affiliations :

About my hobby

I am currently learning to play the piano, and so I keep rehearsing compositions like Handel’s “Sonatina”. It all started after my wife began giving piano lessons at our place to several small girls from the neighborhood. I decided back then that if children who were still in kindergarten could do it, then I also might have a chance for success. At first, a grown-up progresses much faster. But children do not forget what they have learnt. Knowledge and skill become an inseparable part of their minds and bodies. Grown-ups, on the other hand, forget new things right away. Often I fail where I succeeded only the day before. Those girls are now in high school, and their piano skills are much higher than mine. Of course, I will probably never be able to catch up with them again. All of this means that “there is time to learn”. However, it is equally true that “it is never too late to learn”. Even as I am struggling with my own age, I can still enjoy watching the young rapidly progress and leave me behind.

  • Research, History
  • Books, papers, etc.
  • Courses
    Undergraduate: English Literature (General Lecture); English Literature (Introductory Reading); English Literature (Seminar); English Literature (Special Lecture)
    Graduate: English Literature (Advanced Lecture)
    Personal History
    1983 Graduated from the Faculty of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University
    1986 Completed the master’s program at the Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University
    1987 Completed the doctoral program at the Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University

    1987 Research Associate, Faculty of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University
    1989 Lecturer, Faculty of General Education, Yamagata University
    April 1992-August 1993 Guest researcher at the Johns Hopkins University
    1996 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Literature and Social Sciences, Yamagata University
    2007 Professor, Faculty of Literature and Social Sciences, Yamagata University
    2009 Professor, Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University (current position)
    Ph.D. (Literature)
    English Literature; History of English Thought; Literary Theory
    Research Subject
    English romantic literature;
    History of English thought in the 18th century;
    Modern critical theory
    Romanticism; moral philosophy; aesthetics; ideology; poststructuralism
    The English Literary Society of Japan; Japan Association of English Romanticism; The Johnson Society of Japan; The Jane Austen Society of Japan
    Database of Researchers Information
  • Books
    ポール・ド・マン『理論への抵抗』、国文社、1991(translator; with Tomiyama Takao)
    フレドリク・ジェイムソン『アドルノ―後期マルクス主義と弁証法』、論創社、2013(translation collaborator)
    ジョージ・スタイナー『むずかしさについて』、みすず書房、2014(translator; with Katō Masayuki and Iwata Miki)
    Academic Papers
    「崇高とピクチャレスク」、『岩波講座文学7 つくられた自然』、岩波書店、2003、175-194
    「シャフツベリーにおける美学と批評」、『未分化の母体―十八世紀文学論集』、千葉豊、能口盾彦、干井洋一 編、英宝社、2007、21-39
    The Aoba Prize (1999); The ELSJ Outstanding Paper Award (English Linguistic Society of Japan, 2011)