
Professor TAKAHASHI Hara

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A human being is essentially alone. When death approaches, all ties are severed, and we have to face it on our own. Even worse — humans spend their whole lives in solitude, and love or other ties are no more than illusions. But few solitary souls can afford to have such thoughts and still go on happily with their lives.
So what is the opposite approach? Humans do not live their fickle lives, nor do they meet their death alone — rather they are always connected to someone or something. And the more one thinks about this, the closer one comes to religious concepts, such as “God”, “Buddha”, “afterlife”, “spirit”, “grave”, “family Buddhist altar”, and so on. Humans are destined to solitude, yet they are not alone (You Are Not Alone). The titular animated film has already become a big hit, but it might feel even richer in atmosphere if you remember this statement as you watch. That is what I have been thinking about lately.

  • Research, History
  • Books, papers, etc.
  • Courses
    Science of Religion (Advanced Lecture): Religion and Psychotherapy; Practical Religious Studies
    Personal History
    Graduated from the Department of Religious Studies, Faculty of Letters, University of Tokyo
    Completed the doctoral program (without a doctoral degree) at the Graduate School of the Humanities and Sociology, University of Tokyo

    Researcher, International Institute for the Study of Religions
    Assistant Professor, Graduate School of the Humanities and Sociology, University of Tokyo
    2012 Appointed to current position
    Ph.D. (Literature)
    Psychology of Religion; Religious History of Japan; Intellectual Religious Movement in Modern Japan; Religion and Mental Health; etc.
    Research Subject
    Religious specialists and mental health care
    Religious specialists; mental health care; rinshoshukyoshi (spiritual care worker)
    Japanese Association for Religious Studies
    Database of Researchers Information
  • Books
    『近代日本における知識人と宗教―姉崎正治の軌跡』、 深澤英隆・磯前順一編、東京堂出版、2002(joint authorship)
    Academic Papers
    「誰が話を聴くのか?―被災地における霊の話と宗教者」(Who Listens to Their Stories? : How Religious Professionals are Dealing with Occult Phenomena in the Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster Area)
    『死生学年報2014』、東洋英和女学院大学死生学研究所、2014、 237-254
    "Ghost of tsunami dead and kokoro no kea in Japan's religious landscape," in Journal of Religion in Japan, vol. 5, Issue 2-3, 2016, 176-198