
Associate Professor OCHI Ikuno

Affiliations :

The world of objects and people: from tombs to art

When I was a child, my dream was to become an archaeologist and excavate ancient tombs. I was first introduced to cultural anthropology as a freshman at university, and for my first independent research project at the age of twenty, I attended a Bon dance festival held over two nights on a small island in the Inland Sea of Japan. As a graduate student, I began to study ‘moving tombs’ and the transformation of funerals and ancestor worship rituals in Okinawa. These topics have continued to fascinate me for over twenty years into the present.

Why do people fear and revere things like tombs or the many Buddhist tablets and statues that are merely stone, wood, or metal? Why do people feel moved by them? If we take a closer look at the practices of those people who build, use, maintain, and move tombs, these objects seem to also be living things in constant motion and negotiation with people.

When I finished my doctoral dissertation, I came across an art festival on Naoshima island in the Inland Sea that inspired a new strand of research. Contemporary art festivals are taking place in various places in Japan and abroad. They involve both local residents and tourists and play a growing role in promoting regional development. I would like to understand the changes in modern society by studying the world of moving objects and people from the perspective of anthropology. I hope you join me in this exploration.

  • Research, History
  • Books, papers, etc.
  • Courses
    Cultural Anthropology (Advanced Seminar), Cultural Anthropology (Introductory Seminar), Cultural Anthropology (Seminar)
    Personal History
    Ph.D, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Hiroshima University
    2011 Postdoctoral Fellow, Hiroshima University
    2012 Postdoctoral Fellow, Global Center of Excellence for Reconstruction of the Intimate and Public Spheres in 21century Asia, Kyoto University
    2012-2014 Institutional Researcher, Headquarters for Innovative Society-Academia Cooperation, University of Fukui
    2014-2016 Assistant Professor, Institute for Creative Cities and Regions, University of Hyogo
    2016-2020 Assistant Professor, College of Tourism, Graduate School of Tourism, Rikkyo University
    Ph.D. (Academic)
    Anthropology; Folklore
    Research Subject
    Cultural contact in migration, travel and tourism
    funeral grave system; ancestral rituals; contact zone; tourism; art; community development; Okinawa; Japan; France
    The Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology; The Folklore Society of Japan; The Japan Sociological Society
  • Books
    『フィールドから読み解く観光文化学 : 「体験」を「研究」にする16章 』(西川 克之・岡本 亮輔・奈良 雅史編、ミネルヴァ書房、2019年)
    『境域の人類学 八重山・対馬にみる「越境」』(上水流久彦・村上和弘・西村一之編、風響社、2017年)
    Academic Papers
    2020年「都市計画と観光まちづくりの横断に向けて : フランス・ナント市のアートプロジェクトを事例に」『立教大学観光学部紀要』第22号
    2015年「ゲート前という接触領域-沖縄県那覇市新都心における軍用地の記憶と返還地の開発-」『コンタクト・ゾーン=Contact zone』第7号
    毎日新聞『今週の本棚』(2018年4月1日 )