
Assistant Professor SUGAWARA Naoki

Affiliations :

The entrance examinations of the past

The steady digitization of written and printed sources has made it easy to access entrance examination questions from 100 years ago. Lately, I have been looking at such exam materials from the Meiji and Taisho periods.
The materials used were the same as now, including The Confucian Analects, The Discourses of Mencius, and The Records of the Grand Historian (Shiji), but how were these texts employed at the time? This question has interested me greatly as of late, and I continue to look for an answer.

  • Research, History
  • Books, papers, etc.
  • Personal History
    Completed the doctoral program at the Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University
    Ph.D. (Literature)
    Classical Chinese Literature (novels)
    Research Subject
    Quotations from poetry in classical Chinese novels
    Entrance examinations based on the Chinese classics in the Meiji and Taisho periods
    Classical Chinese novels; entrance examinations based on the Chinese classics in the Meiji and Taisho periods
    Society for the Study of Chinese Literature, History, Philosophy; The Sinological Society of Tohoku; The Toho Gakkai (The Institute of Eastern Culture); The Sinological Society of Japan
  • Academic Papers
    “A Study of Poems Quoted in Xin bian Wu dai shi Ping hua (五代史平話),” in Tohoku Journal of Chinese Language and Literature 25 (2020), 17-27
    “On Quotations from the Shijiu shi lue (十九史略) and the Tong jian xiang jie (通鑑詳節) in the Kanjosho (漢書抄),” in Tohoku Journal of Chinese Language and Literature 24 (2019), 61-74
    “On ‘Lao man老瞞’,” in Tohoku Journal of Chinese Language and Literature 23(2018), 69-82