
Assistant Professor WATANABE Ryo

Affiliations :

The Truth found in ‘Thatness’

One of the Sanskrit words for truth is ‘tattva.’ Its literal meaning is ‘thatness,’ implying the true essence of things. Since ancient times religious sects in India have attributed different interpretations to this word. The Buddhist tradition interprets it as an ‘unadorned form’ of the referent.
Contemporary society is often characterized as stressful: indeed, we all operate under some stressful circumstances, whether we realize it or not. I think a researcher’s work is appropriately characterized as both fascinating and exhausting. It not only involves pleasant things: now and then one also gets stressed and faces a variety of limitations. When the essence of our inquiries becomes hard to grasp, it is quite possibly a symptom of straying away from the truth. Walking this endless road, facing conflicts every day, and getting lost at times, I still wish to treasure the ‘thatness’ of my research.

  • Research, History
  • Books, papers, etc.
  • Courses
    Personal History
    Born Tokushima. Completed the master’s and doctoral programs at the Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University

    Research Fellow of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (DC2)
    Academic Fellow, Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University
    Research Fellow, Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University
    Current position
    Studies in Indo-Tibetan Esoteric Buddhism
    Research Subject
    Rites and rituals of various schools of Indo-Tibetan Esoteric Buddhism; history of Indian Esoteric Buddhism
    Indo-Tibetan Esoteric Buddhism; ritual; Buddhist school; saṃvara; Krishna
  • Academic Papers
    WATANABE Ryo 渡辺亮. 2023. “dpal Rim pa bshi paḥi gshuṅ gi ḥgrel chen gSaṅ ba rab gsal shes bya ba shoin *Olacatuṣṭaya chibettogoyaku tekusuto” dpal Rim pa bshi paḥi gshuṅ gi ḥgrel chen gSaṅ ba rab gsal shes bya ba所引*Olacatuṣṭayaチベット語訳テクスト. Mikkyōgaku 密教学 59.
    ———. 2023. “Integration of Prajñā and Upāya in *Guhyatattvaprakāśa Ⅲ: Focusing on the parallelism in Saṃpuṭodbhavatantra Ⅱ–ⅱ.” Indogaku Bukkyōgaku kenkyū 印度学仏教学研究 71 (3): 118–122.
    ———. 2020. “Kr̥ṣṇācārya no seiten kaishaku: *Guhyatattvaprakāśa ni okeru *Yoga-/ *Yoginī-tantra no etsū” Kr̥ṣṇācāryaの聖典解釈: *Guhyatattvaprakāśaにおける*Yoga-/ *Yoginī-tantraの会通. Ronshū 論集 47: 75–105.
    ———. 2020. “Kr̥ṣṇācārya cho *Guhyatattvaprakāśa no genten kenkyū” Kr̥ṣṇācārya著*Guhyatattvaprakāśaの原典研究. Indogaku Bukkyōgaku kenkyū 印度学仏教学研究 68 (2): 182–185.
    ———. 2018. “Vasantatilakā ni okeru shintai-kan” Vasantatilakāにおける身体観. Ronshū 論集 45: 145–166.