
Associate Professor KOMATSUBARA Orika

Affiliations :

  • Graduate School Faculty of Arts and Letters
  • Division of Department of Integrated Human Sciences
  • Philosophy and Ethics Course
  • Department of Ethics

Between Dream
and Reality

As a child, I was always lost in fantasy. Novels and manga were my best companions, and I preferred to immerse myself in their fantastic worlds instead of playing with my peers. But I also enjoyed nonfiction genres and devoured stories about victims of wars and environmental pollution. My interests have not changed even as I grew up.
Studying environmental harm, sexual violence, and domestic violence, I must come face to face with pain and suffering.
Attempts to help the victims or improve their situation are all too often futile. There seems to be little hope in their world. However, my deep involvement with the victims also sometimes allows me to share their treasured memories and experience their sincere kindness.
I believe that in order to study ethics, one needs to be tough enough to laugh and voice one’s dreams even in a desperate situation. I refuse to get trapped by cynicism, irony, and nihilism — instead, I keep stoking my resolve to right the wrongs of the world.

  • Research, History
  • Books, papers, etc.
  • Courses
    Ethics (General Lecture): Case Study in Ethics; Ethics (Special Lecture): Gender and Sexuality, Environmental Harm, etc.
    Personal History
    Born 1982
    2016 Received a Ph.D. in human sciences at the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Osaka Prefecture University, with doctoral dissertation “The significance of the dialogue for victims of sexual violence” (in Japanese)

    2005 Part-time Lecturer (Ethics), Kansai Gakken Welfare College Apr.
    2006 Part-time Lecturer (Key Themes in Ethics), Waseda University
    2016 Part-time Lecturer (Reading Course), Doshisha University
    2024 Appointed to current position
    environmental harm; gender
    Research Subject
    restorative justice; community rebuilding; victim support; art activism
    Minamata; sexual violence; domestic violence
    Japanese Association of Victimology; European Forum for Restorative Justice; European Society of Criminology
  • Awards
    Japan Association of Gender and Law Nishio Academic Award for the monograph 『性暴力と修復的司法: 対話の先にあるもの』(Seibundo, 2017)
    Nanzan University Institute for Social Ethics 13th Award for Outstanding Research by Young Scholars in Social Ethics for the research paper「〈被害者の情念〉から〈被害者の表現〉へ―水俣病「一株運動」(1970年)における被害者・加害者対話を検討する」, 『現代生命哲学研究』, 2019.