
Professor SAKURA Yoshiyasu

Affiliations :

Enjoying and contemplating the richness of literary expression

Outstanding literary works boast the power of expression and intricate structure (mechanisms and tricks) that thrill the reader. These texts possess numerous meanings and functions, and call forth multiple images, describing the world, its history and people. My aim is to apprehend and map these mechanisms, as well as textual dynamism, and to grasp their significance within the context of cultural history and history of literacy. Mechanisms and dynamism of every literary work are uniquely fascinating. It is a pleasure to carefully read and analyze engaging texts, to discover the core of their appeal and to discuss it with others. The research process is not always that enjoyable, but hard work need not be a burden; the intricacies of literary expression are just too interesting. This is the approach I take to my own research, and the results have been summed up in my book Gunki Monogatari no Kikō (The Structure of Gunki Monogatari), as well as multiple articles. I will continue my quest for new discoveries, reading, studying, and thinking.

  • Research, History
  • Books, papers, etc.
  • Courses
    Undergraduate: Japanese Literature (General Lecture); Japanese Literature (Introductory Reading); Study of Formation of Japanese Literature (Special Lecture); Japanese Literature (Seminar)
    Graduate: Japanese Literature (Advanced Seminar); Study of Formation of Japanese Literature (Advanced Seminar)
    Personal History
    Born July 1961, Nagano Prefecture.
    Graduated from the Faculty of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University
    Completed the master's program at the Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University
    Received a Ph.D. in literature, Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University

    Research Associate, Faculty of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University
    Full-time Lecturer, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Shinshu University
    Assistant Professor, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Shinshu University
    Associate Professor, Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University
    Apr 2010 Professor, Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University (current position)
    Ph.D. (Literature)
    Japanese literature (especially medieval literature, Gunki monogatari, or war tales, and texts written in kanbun)
    Research Subject
    Analysis of expressive structure and special characteristics of Japanese literary works contextualized within the history of Japanese culture and literacy
    Medieval literature; Gunki monogatari; texts written in kanbun; expressive structure and special characteristics (of literary works); history of literary expression; cultural history; history of literacy
    Association for Japanese Literary Studies; The Academy of Middle Ages Literature; Association of War Chronicle Studies; Narrative Literary Society; Association for the Study of Japanese Language and Literature; Japanese Literature Association; Association for the Study of Japanese Heian Literature; The Wakan Comparative Literature Association JAPAN
    Database of Researchers Information
  • Books
    Academic Papers
    「リテラシーの動態を捉える文学史は可能か」、『文学・語学』第200号、 2011、54-69.
    「『天正記』の機構と十六世紀末の文化・社会の動態」、説話文学会編『説話から世界をどう解き明かせるのか 説話文学会設立50周年記念シンポジウム[日本・韓国]の記録』、笠間書院、 2013、282-307
    「職能の時代の中の藤原頼通の文化世界」、『考えるシリーズⅡ ③知の挑発 平安後期 頼通文化世界を考える―成熟の行方』、和田律子・久下裕利編、武蔵野書院、2016、69-94