
Professor SHIMAZAKI Satoru

Affiliations :

That prince from Aschenputtel is a tad…

Aschenputtel is the German version of Cinderella collected by the Brothers Grimm. It is slightly different from the fairy tale we all know. When Cinderella’s stepsister successfully puts on the slipper, the prince thinks that she was the one who danced with him during the ball and takes her to the palace. But then he notices the blood on her foot: in order to fit the slipper, the girl has cut off her toes with an axe. Having realized his mistake, the prince attempts to bring to the palace another stepsister, who has cut off her heel. Again he recognizes the truth after seeing her bloodied foot. Not only could not he tell one girl from another, but he repeated the same mistake twice. Isn’t that prince… a little thick?
But when I look back at my own past, I understand that time and again I have repeated the same mistakes. Isn’t it a familiar experience? You think you will never make another blunder like that, and yet end up making it again, despite all reflections and regrets. What if the prince is the caricature of a person who never learns from his mistakes? His conduct is laughable, but this very foolishness might reveal an unsettling aspect of the human psyche.

  • Research, History
  • Books, papers, etc.
  • Courses
    German Linguistics (General Lecture); German Culture (Advanced Seminar); etc.
    Personal History
    Completed the doctoral program (without a doctoral degree) at the Graduate School of Letters, Kyushu University
    2005 Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University
    2013 Appointed to current position
    Ph.D. (Literature)
    German Studies; Historical Linguistics; Studies in Germanic Languages; Contrastive Study between Japanese and German; German Medieval Literature; Norse Mythology
    Research Subject
    Historical development of grammatical categories;
    Tense theory;
    Point of view in Japanese and German languages;
    The Song of the Nibelungs as romance fiction;
    Authorship in popular literature;
    Reception of European culture in Japan
    German language; grammar; history of language; point of view theory; medieval chivalric romance; Germanic languages
    Kyushu Society for German Literature; Japanese Society for Germanic Studies; The Linguistic Society of Japan; Tohoku Society of German Study; The International Arthurian Society; Japan Society for Historical Linguistics
    Database of Researchers Information
  • Books
    『自然との共生の夢―エコロジーとドイツ文学―』、鳥影社ロゴス企画部、2002(joint authorship)
    Academic Papers
    「脱神話化の物語としての『ニーベルンゲンの歌』」、『文学における不在 原研二先生追悼論文集』、2011、1-12
    「ボイムラーのヤーコプ・グリム像」、かいろす、査読有、51 号、2013、65-94
    「ドイツ語の歴史的現在」、『ヨーロッパ研究』 (10)、2015、1-26
    「ドイツ語の未来形werden+不定詞へのbeginnen+不定詞からの影響」、東北大学文学研究科研究年報 (66)、2016、252-224
    2001 41st Society for the Promotion of German Studies in Japan Award
    1993 1st Society for German Literature Studies at Kyushu University Award