
Professor IMAI Tsutomu

Affiliations :

Intercultural trips are extremely rewarding, but one should go easy on the alcohol

It is only natural that as a Japanese researcher specializing in French literature I am in a constant transit between France and Japan, French and Japanese. Sometimes I go to France to look for research materials. Most of them are stored in Paris, but during longer trips I go on a wider search, which brings me to unknown places. Since I am interested in the Creole culture, I have also visited the islands of Martinique in the Caribbean Sea and Réunion in the Indian Ocean (both of which are overseas French regions).
I also do translations from French into Japanese. Most of those are academic monographs, but literary works are the most interesting to translate. This is not an easy task, but diving into intercultural differences revitalizes my brain and gives me a deep sense of contentment.
It is quite exhausting to stand between two languages of different origins. Alcohol reinvigorates me. Please do not assume that I am talking strictly about wine. Yes, I drink it when in France, but in Japan I buy shochu. But I am also cautious and take care to drink moderately on all occasions. A consommer avec modération! (“consume with moderation” => “go easy on the alcohol”).

  • Research, History
  • Books, papers, etc.
  • Courses
    French Literature (General Lecture); French Literature (Introductory Reading)
    Personal History
    Born Joetsu, Niigata Prefecture.

    Graduated from Takada High School (Niigata)
    Graduated from the Faculty of Letters, Kyoto University
    Completed the graduate program at the Graduate School of the Humanities and Sociology, University of Tokyo
    Ph.D. (Literature)
    Research on modern and contemporary French literature, with the focus on Paul Valéry
    Research Subject
    Research project funded by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI): Cultural-historical analysis of Paul Valéry’s letters (Category C, 2014-2016)
    French Literature; Paul Valéry; theories of literary genesis
    French Linguistic and Literary Society of Japan; Société Japonaise des Études Valéryennes
    Database of Researchers Information
  • Books
    『ポール・ヴァレリー「アガート」訳・注解・論考』、筑摩書房、1994(joint authorship)
    『はじめて学ぶフランス文学史』、ミネルヴァ書房、2002(joint authorship)
    『フランス文化55のキーワード』、ミネルヴァ書房、2011(joint authorship)

    『レオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチ論全三篇』、平凡社、2013(with Tsunekawa Kunio)
    『ヴァレリー集成V〈芸術〉の肖像』、筑摩書房、2013(with Nakamura Toshinao)

    Academic Papers
    "Lettre d'amour dans un tiroir - lire quelques manuscrits trouvés dans le Dossier "Madame de R."-", in Valéry en ses miroirs intimes, Fata Morgana, Musée Paul Valéry, septembre 2014, 35-57