
Professor KUROIWA Taku
Affiliations :
- Graduate School Faculty of Arts and Letters
- Division of Department of Global Humanities
- Western Culture and History Course
- Department of French Language and Literature

- Research, History
- Books, papers, etc.
- Courses
- French Literature (General Lecture); French Literature (Seminar); French Literature (Advanced Seminar); etc.
- Personal History
Completed DEA program at the Paris-Sorbonne University
Completed the doctoral program (without a doctoral degree) in French Literature at the Graduate School of Letters, Arts and Sciences, Waseda University
Received a Ph.D. at Waseda University
Awarded Research Fellowship for Young Scientists, The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Research Associate, Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum, Waseda University
Current position
- Degree
- Ph.D. (Literature)
- Field
- Medieval French Literature; French Renaissance Literature (in particular verse dramas written in the 15th and early 16th century)
- Research Subject
- Research project funded by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI): “Subsequent use and development of the prosodic structure principles found in Arnoul Gréban’s Mystère de la Passion” (Category C; 2017-2019)
- Keywords
- French literature; philology; drama and theatre studies; art of poetry writing; codicology; translation studies
- Affiliation
- French Linguistic and Literary Society of Japan (Societe Japonaise de Langue et Litterature Francaises); Tohoku French Linguistic and Literary Society; French Language Education Society of Japan (Societe Japonaise de Didactique du Francais); Japan Society for Medieval European Studies; International Association of Epic Poetry
- Database of Researchers Information
- Books
- アレハンドロ・ホドロフスキー,マリアンヌ・コスタ『タロットの宇宙』、伊泉龍一監修、滝本誠解説、国書刊行会、2016(translator)
- Academic Papers
"Notes sur l'apparition des vers isolés dans les imprimés des textes dramatiques médiévaux: le cas de la deuxième édition Trepperel de Maistre Pierre Pathelin," in Le Moyen ge dans le texte, Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2016, 213-228
"Les rimes dans la Passion d'Arras et dans le Mystère de la Passion d'Arnoul Gréban: un essai de contribution aux études comparatives," in Sens, Rhétorique et Musique. Études réunies en hommage à Jacqueline Cerquiglini-Toulet, Paris, H. Champion, 2016, 406-419
「十五・十六世紀における劇テクストの写本とその使用―アルヌール・グレバン作『受難の聖史劇』H写本(Paris, BnF, fr. 1550)の例―」、『演劇と演劇性』、早稲田大学演劇映像学連携研究拠点、2014、29-44
"Sotie des Coppieurs et Lardeurs," in Le théâtre français du Moyen ge et de la Renaissance, Eds. Darwin Smith, Gabriella Parussa, Olivier Halévy, Paris, L'avant-scène théâtre, 2014, 339-343