
Professor KUROIWA Taku

Affiliations :

Ars Longua, Vita Brevis (“Art is long, life is short”, Lat.)

The main focus of my research is French verse dramas written from the 15th to the early 18th century. On the one hand, these plays comprise an impressive corpus that gives us a glimpse of the Western civilization during a period of great transition. On the other hand, each of them commands an extensive, nuanced view of human lives and human nature. About two years ago I also got interested in the reception of medieval French literature in Japan. As a matter of fact, I am entirely convinced that any area of research offers countless fascinating lines of inquiry.
I would also like to actively participate in international joint research projects and education in the future.

  • Research, History
  • Books, papers, etc.
  • Courses
    French Literature (General Lecture); French Literature (Seminar); French Literature (Advanced Seminar); etc.
    Personal History
    Completed DEA program at the Paris-Sorbonne University
    Completed the doctoral program (without a doctoral degree) in French Literature at the Graduate School of Letters, Arts and Sciences, Waseda University
    Received a Ph.D. at Waseda University

    Awarded Research Fellowship for Young Scientists, The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
    Research Associate, Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum, Waseda University
    Current position
    Ph.D. (Literature)
    Medieval French Literature; French Renaissance Literature (in particular verse dramas written in the 15th and early 16th century)
    Research Subject
    Research project funded by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI): “Subsequent use and development of the prosodic structure principles found in Arnoul Gréban’s Mystère de la Passion” (Category C; 2017-2019)
    French literature; philology; drama and theatre studies; art of poetry writing; codicology; translation studies
    French Linguistic and Literary Society of Japan (Societe Japonaise de Langue et Litterature Francaises); Tohoku French Linguistic and Literary Society; French Language Education Society of Japan (Societe Japonaise de Didactique du Francais); Japan Society for Medieval European Studies; International Association of Epic Poetry
    Database of Researchers Information
  • Books
    Academic Papers
    "Notes sur l'apparition des vers isolés dans les imprimés des textes dramatiques médiévaux: le cas de la deuxième édition Trepperel de Maistre Pierre Pathelin," in Le Moyen ge dans le texte, Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2016, 213-228

    "Les rimes dans la Passion d'Arras et dans le Mystère de la Passion d'Arnoul Gréban: un essai de contribution aux études comparatives," in Sens, Rhétorique et Musique. Études réunies en hommage à Jacqueline Cerquiglini-Toulet, Paris, H. Champion, 2016, 406-419


    「十五・十六世紀における劇テクストの写本とその使用―アルヌール・グレバン作『受難の聖史劇』H写本(Paris, BnF, fr. 1550)の例―」、『演劇と演劇性』、早稲田大学演劇映像学連携研究拠点、2014、29-44

    "Sotie des Coppieurs et Lardeurs," in Le théâtre français du Moyen ge et de la Renaissance, Eds. Darwin Smith, Gabriella Parussa, Olivier Halévy, Paris, L'avant-scène théâtre, 2014, 339-343