
Professor NAOE Kiyotaka

Affiliations :

  • Graduate School Faculty of Arts and Letters
  • Division of Department of Integrated Human Sciences
  • Philosophy and Ethics Course
  • Department of Philosophy

Creating a philosophy of connections between people (and things)

Apparently, humanities scholars are divided into “leather shoes”, or the armchair type, and “sneakers”, or the outdoor type. Those who specialize in philosophy are probably immediately classified as the former, but personally I would like research in philosophy to involve some legwork, too.
During my university years I took to mountain climbing, though I have practically stopped doing it these days. But back then I would occasionally spend several days in a row on Mt. Iide (Fukushima), all alone. In other words, I am an outdoor type. Even now I become restless whenever the weather is good, escaping to the botanical garden between classes or taking long walks to distinct districts on the weekends. I often run across unexpected discoveries.
While not going outdoors in a literal sense, it is a common practice in philosophy to achieve insights and make prognoses by looking into other areas of study or into society in a slightly removed, objective fashion. We may say that philosophy finds a slightly different perspective on the matters that are usually disregarded and then puts its discoveries into words. There is no point in barring yourself from whatever lies outside. So I intend to “go out” more, contributing to philosophical discussions, the integration of arts and sciences, and so on.

  • Research, History
  • Books, papers, etc.
  • Courses
    Western Philosophical Thought (General Lecture); Western Philosophical Thought (Seminar); Philosophy of Science (General Lecture); Philosophy of Science (Seminar); Bio-Environmental Ethics (Special Lecture); Bio-Environmental Ethics (Seminar)
    Personal History
    Completed the doctoral program (without a doctoral degree) in history and philosophy of science at the Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo

    Assistant Professor, Kyushu University of Nursing and Social Welfare
    Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, Yamagata University
    Current position

    I specialize in modern philosophy (with the focus on phenomenology), philosophy of science, and ethics of technology.

    Joint publications include Kagaku, Gijutsu to Shakai Rinri (2015, ed. Yamawaki Naoshi), Kagaku/Gijutsu no Tetsugaku, Shinrigaku no Tetsugaku, etc.

    Translated works:
    Gijutsu e no Toi / Questioning Technology (2004; Andrew Feenberg, 1999)
    Shōnin wo Motomeru Sensō: Shakaiteki Konfurikuto no Dōtokuteki Bumpō / The Struggle for Recognition: The Moral Grammar of Social Conflicts (collaborative translation, 2014; Axel Honneth, 1992)
    M.S.; Ph.D. (Literature)
    Philosophy; Ethics in Science and Technology
    Research Subject
    Phenomenological inquiry into human behavior (1985-present);
    Philosophy and ethics of technology (1985-present)
    artifacts; technology as behavior; social consensus
    The Philosophical Association of Japan; The Japanese Society for Ethics;
    The Phenomenological Association of Japan; Philosophy of Science Society, Japan; The Japan Association for Philosophy of Science; Society for the History of Social Thought; The Japan Association of Contemporary and Applied Philosophy; Society for Philosophy and Technology; etc.
    Database of Researchers Information
  • Books
    『理系のための科学技術者倫理』、丸善出版、2015(with Morinaga Shinichiro)
    Academic Papers