
Professor OGIHARA Satoshi
Affiliations :
- Graduate School Faculty of Arts and Letters
- Division of Department of Integrated Human Sciences
- Philosophy and Ethics Course
- Department of Philosophy

- Research, History
- Books, papers, etc.
- Courses
- History of Ancient Philosophy (General Lecture); Ancient Philosophy (Critical Reading of Source Texts); Latin
- Personal History
Born 1967, Saitama Prefecture.
Graduated Saitama Prefectural Urawa High School (all-male school)
Received a B.A. and M.A. at the University of Tokyo
Completed the doctoral program (without a doctoral degree) at the University of Tokyo
2002 Received a Ph.D. at the graduate school of the University of Pennsylvania
Aug 2002 Lecturer, Tohoku University,
2006 Assistant Professor, Tohoku University
Current position
- Degree
- Ph.D. (Literature)
- Field
- Western Philosophy
- Research Subject
Ancient philosophy;
Analytic ethics
- Keywords
- Plato; Aristotle; Hellenistic philosophy; John McDowell
- Affiliation
- The Philosophical Association of Japan; The Classical Society of Japan; The Japanese Society for Ethics; Seminar on Greek Philosophy; The Philosophical Society of Tohoku; The Japanese Society of Medieval Philosophy; Japanese Society for Neoplatonic Studies
- Database of Researchers Information
- Books
McDowell on Ethics, 2019
Presocratics and Plato, Ed. Richard Patterson, Parmenides Publishing, 2012 (joint authorship)
- Academic Papers
'Immortality and Eternity: Cebes' remark at PHAEDO 106d2-4', in PLATO'S Phaedo (Cornelli, Robinson and Bravo [eds.], Academia), pp. 199-204, 2018.
「ギリシャ哲学研究と哲学」、『ギリシャ哲学セミナー論集』、Vol. XIV、2017、64-74
「シンポジウム「中世におけるプラトニズムⅡ――トマス・アクィナスおよびイスラーム」提題 トマスの存在理解をめぐる上枝氏の提題に寄せて」、中世哲学会編『中世思想研究』55号、2013、107-117
"The Choice of Life in the Myth of Er," in Plato: The Internet Journal of the International Plato Society, Vol. 11, 2012
「プラトン『法律』第10巻903a-905dの、神による魂の再配置の話について」、『ギリシャ哲学セミナー論集』、Vol. IX、2012、36-53
- Awards
- 2015 Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science and a member of JSPS's Screening Committee for Young Researcher Fellowships (Document Review). Appointment based on valuable advice offered during the screening.