
Associate Professor HARA Saku

Affiliations :

  • Graduate School Faculty of Arts and Letters
  • Division of Department of Integrated Human Sciences
  • Philosophy and Ethics Course
  • Department of Philosophy

Philosophy and Playing with Building Blocks

As a child, I liked to play with building blocks. I would select a block of appropriate size and shape and then carefully balance it on top of the others. I felt great satisfaction every time I succeeded in building a castle or a village just as I had imagined it. I might have developed an interest in philosophy when I grew up because thinking in philosophy closely resembles playing with building blocks. In this case, the human mind, the body, responsibility, freedom, rights, duty, and other such concepts become the building blocks, out of which a theory is constructed. Philosophy elucidates the meaning of each concept and analyzes how different concepts are related to each other. In fact, society, which we inhabit, is full of constructs made of concepts. The prototypical examples are a company or a state. Studying philosophy, you will learn the pleasure of analyzing and playing with concepts, and in addition you will gain deep insight into humanity and society.

  • Research, History
  • Books, papers, etc.
  • Courses
    Contemporary Philosophy (General Lecture): Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Language; Seminar on Philosophy (primarily analytic philosophy); Advanced Study of Humanities and Social Sciences (Research Ethics)
    Personal History
    2006 Received a Ph.D. in philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy and Philology, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz

    2008 Project Researcher, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo
    2008-2009 Associate Professor, Global COE Program, Brain Science Institute, Tamagawa University
    2009 Appointed to current position
    Ph.D. (Philosophy)
    Philosophy of Mind; Philosophy of Science; Neuroethics; Science Communication
    Research Subject
    The issue of executability of interactive science communication;
    Theoretical basis for research integrity
    The Philosophical Association of Japan; The Japanese Society for Ethics; Philosophy of Science Society, Japan; The Japan Association for Philosophy of Science; Japanese Society for Science and Technology Studies; The Phenomenological Association of Japan
    Database of Researchers Information
  • Books
    Academic Papers
    「刑法における嫌悪感情の役割と社会脳--リーガル、モラリズムと嫌悪感情」、『社会脳シリーズ 第2巻 社会意識を育む--神経哲学と神経倫理学』、芋坂直行編、新曜社、2012、183-217