
Professor YOKOMIZO Hiroshi
Affiliations :
- Graduate School Faculty of Arts and Letters
- Division of Department of Japanese Studies
- Japanese Literature Course
- Department of Japanese Literature

- Research, History
- Books, papers, etc.
- Courses
- Japanese Literature (Special Lecture); Japanese Literature (Seminar)
- Personal History
Graduated from the Department of Japanese Language and Literature, School of Education, Waseda University
Received a Ph.D. in Japanese Literature, Graduate Division of Letters, Arts and Sciences, Waseda University
Research Associate, Shinshu University
Research Associate, Waseda University
Awarded PD DC2 Research Fellowship for Young Scientists, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Lecturer, Shumei University
Current position
- Degree
- Ph.D. (Literature)
- Field
- Japanese Classical Literature
- Research Subject
Literature of the Heian period;
Medieval court literature in Japan
- Keywords
Japanese court literature of the Heian and Kamakura periods;
Diary literature (nikki bungaku);
Pre-modern commentaries
- Affiliation
- Association for the Study of Japanese Heian Literature, The Academy of Middle Ages Literature
- Database of Researchers Information
- Books
- 『平安文学の古注釈と受容』、 武蔵野書院、2008(editor)
- Academic Papers
「『夜の寝覚』の引歌表現「思ふもものの心地」をめぐって─『源氏物語』葵巻の六条御息所との関わりから─」、『考えるシリーズⅡ 知の挑発③ 平安後期 頼通文化世界を考える─成熟の行方』、和田律子・久下裕利編、武蔵野書院、2016、407-430