
Professor MURAYAMA Tatsuya

Affiliations :

  • Graduate School Faculty of Arts and Letters
  • Division of Department of Integrated Human Sciences
  • Philosophy and Ethics Course
  • Department of Ethics

"Don’t trust anyone over thirty"

I was studying at university when I first heard this saying. Back then I liked it a lot, but when I hit my thirties, I became unable to trust myself. Technically I am still thirty (if I round my age to tens), but my peers have already started complaining that they cannot understand what their students are thinking anymore. It may be inevitable, since we are now more than twice their age, but to tell the truth, I do not feel affected by getting older. When I wondered about the reason, I realized that I could not understand other students even during my university years. For some reason I ended up talking about age, but anyway, this is my general attitude when I conduct research or teach classes on ethics. I will soon hit the word limit, so let this paragraph serve as my introduction.

  • Research, History
  • Books, papers, etc.
  • Courses
    Ethics (General Lecture): Introduction to Ethics; Ethics (Special Lecture): continental rationalism and ethics, etc.
    Personal History
    2005 Completed the doctoral program (without a doctoral degree) at the Graduate School of Letters, Keio University
    2010 Received a Ph.D. in philosophy at Keio University (with doctoral dissertation “Succession and Spontaneity: A Study in the Philosophy of Bergson” (in Japanese”)

    2009 Part-time Lecturer (French Philosophy), Gakushuin University
    2006 Part-time Lecturer (Key Themes in Ethics), Keio University
    2005 Part-time Lecturer (French Philosophy), Kokushikan University
    Sep 2010 Appointed to current position
    Ph.D. (Philosophy)
    Modern and Contemporary French Philosophy and Ethics
    Research Subject
    1. Modal notions (contingency, possibility, necessity) in French philosophy in the late 19th and early 20th century;
    2. Historical and analytical inquiry into the meaning of life
    French philosophy; ethics; philosophy and the meaning of life
    The Philosophical Association Of Japan; The Japanese Society for Ethics; (Société Franco-Japonaise de Philosophie); French-Japanese Society of Philosophy; etc.
  • Books
    Joint authorship:
    Annales bergsoniennes V, Ed. F. Worms, Presses Universitaires de France, 2012
    Academic Papers
    "L'émotion comme connaissance? La preuve bergsonienne de l'existence de Dieu", in Shisaku, Société d'études philosophiques de l'Université du Tôhoku, vol.46, 2013, 1-28
    2008 Young Researcher Award, The Philosophical Association Of Japan