
Professor OGAWARA Yoshiro

Affiliations :

Why teach Japanese as a foreign language?

I suppose many of you feel like you have been encountering more foreigners lately. When I studied teaching Japanese as a foreign language at this graduate school, all visitors from abroad were either tourists or businessmen, but nowadays they also come to Japan to work as nursing personnel. The number of international marriages and children from mixed families has also increased. International links are not limited to people — a lot of stuff we need in our daily lives, such as food and clothes, is made overseas. Moreover, every day we come in touch with information from all over the world on the internet.
Various new problems arise in our increasingly global modern society as this exchange of people, things, and thoughts goes on. Now more than ever we need to tackle these problems in cooperation with multiple “others” and in many different languages, starting with Japanese. I contemplate what it means to teach Japanese as a foreign language under such circumstances and apply my findings in practice.
My favorite pastime is watching sports. I am also very fond of rice wine.

  • Research, History
  • Books, papers, etc.
  • Courses
    Teaching of Japanese Language (Reading); Teaching of Japanese Language (Seminar); Teaching of Japanese Language (Practice)
    Personal History
    1998 Completed the graduate program in Japanese linguistics at the Graduate School, Division of Letters, Tohoku University

    Research Associate, Faculty of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University
    Researcher, Center for Japanese Language Education, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics
    Researcher, JSL (Japanese as a Second Language) Research Division, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics
    Assistant Professor, International Student Center, Hokkaido University
    Associate Professor, Center for the Advancement of Global Education, Office of International Affairs, Hokkaido University
    Associate Professor, Center for International Education and Research, Institute for International Collaboration, Hokkaido University
    Current position
    Ph.D. (Literature)
    Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language
    Research Subject
    Japanese language education methods
    Japanese language education
    The Society for Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language; Japanese Language Education Methods; Japanese Association of Second Language Acquisition; The Japanese Association of Educational Psychology
  • Books
    『日本語教師のための「授業力」を磨く30のテーマ』、アルク、2006(with Kawano Toshiyuki)
    『日本語教育の過去・現在・未来 水谷修監修 第4巻 音声』、凡人社、2009(with Kawano Toshiyuki)
    『日本語教師のための音声教育を考える本』、アルク、2009(with Kawano Toshiyuki)
    Academic Papers
    「第3章 クラスにおける多文化環境をいかに保障するか:北海道大学における「多文化交流科目」の開発と実践」、『多文化間共修 多様な文化背景をもつ大学生の学び合いを支援する』、学文社、2017、77-99(with Aoki Maiko)
    「再話活動のデータを用いた読解素材の分析-読解授業の改善に向けて-」、『言語教育実践 イマ×ココ』No.4、ココ出版、2016、114-127(with Kitani Naoyuki)
    「読解授業における再話-学習者ペア活動の相互行為分析-」、『小出記念日本語教育研究会論文集』、vol.23、2015、5-17(with Kitani Naoyuki and Kumagai Tomoko)