
Professor YANAGIHARA Toshiaki

Affiliations :

Let me tell you how my world changed

I had to leave my house for about a month after the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, as there was no gas. When I came back at the end of April, I saw a Japanese tit hurrying in and out of the birdhouse in my garden. I had set up the birdhouse somewhere around 2009. Birds had never nested in it before, and yet they laid eggs there while I was absent. Then the chicks hatched, and their parents got busy feeding them day and night. My heart beat violently when the young birds flew out of the birdhouse.
Since then birdwatching has become my hobby. My garden is rather small, but I can observe quite a few birds in it if I pay attention. I also notice birds and hear their voices whenever I go out on the university campus and in the city. I have become quite good at telling apart different species. Previously I was totally indifferent to birds - it is as if my entire world has changed.
As a matter of fact, we are aware only of the tiniest part of the universe that surrounds us. It is likely that if you open your heart to new sensations and experiences, you will find many more ways to enrich your lives.

  • Research, History
  • Books, papers, etc.
  • Courses
    Japanese History (General Lecture); Japanese History (Introductory Reading); Paleography; Japanese History (Seminar); Japanese History (Special Lecture); Archival Science; Ancient and Medieval History in Japan (Advanced Seminar); Ancient and Medieval History in Japan (Advanced Lecture); Basic Seminar
    Personal History
    1984 Received a B.A. in Japanese history at the Faculty of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University
    1986 Completed the master's program at the Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University
    1990 Completed the doctoral program (without a doctoral degree) at the Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University
    1990 Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Economics, and Humanities, Kagoshima University
    1991 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, Economics, and Humanities, Kagoshima University
    1997 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University
    2010 Professor, Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University
    Ph.D. (Literature)
    Medieval Japanese History; Historiography; Historical Studies of contemporary Universities
    Research Subject
    Comparative historical research of the periphery regions (Tohoku and South Kyushu) in medieval Japan;
    Study of historical materials related to medieval Japan;
    Development of historical studies in Tohoku region before and during the Second World War;
    Tohoku University before and during the Second World War
    Periphery; region; exchange; trade; historical materials; Oshima Masataka; Tohoku University; student activicsm
    National History Colloquium at Tohoku University; Tohoku Historical Society; The Miyagi Society for Historical Science Studies; Tohoku Society for Medieval History Studies; The Historical Science Society of Japan; The Japanese Society for Historical Studies; The Historical Society of Japan; The Association of Historical Science; Society for the Study of Diplomatics in Japan
    Database of Researchers Information
  • Books
    Academic Papers
    「史学史研究の現在-東北中世史の開拓者 大島正隆を中心として-」、『日本中世史研究の歩み-中世史サマーセミナー50周年記念シンポジウム報告集』、第50回中世史サマーセミナー実行委員会編、岩田書院、2013、69-94
    "Onmyodo in the Muromachi Period", Japanese Journal of Religious Studies Vol.40, trans. by Jon Morris, 2013, 131-150 /「室町時代の陰陽道」、『陰陽道の講義』、林淳一・小池淳編、嵯峨野出版、2002
    「中世日本国周縁部の歴史認識と正統観念」、『講座東北の歴史3 境界と自他の認識』、熊谷公男・柳原敏昭編、清文堂、2013、274-295
    「中世の交通と地域性」、『岩波講座 日本歴史7 中世2』、岩波書店、2014、113-144