
Professor KOMATSU Takeaki
Affiliations :
- Graduate School Faculty of Arts and Letters
- Division of Department of Integrated Human Sciences
- Social and Human Sciences Course
- Department of Sociology

- Research, History
- Books, papers, etc.
- Courses
- Sociology (General Lecture: modern society and individual); Sociology (Introductory Seminar; including system theory); Sociology (Special Lecture: sociology of risk and knowledge/non-knowledge); Sociology (Seminar: sociology of risk uncertainty); etc.
- Personal History
Born, Miyagi Prefecture.
1992 Received a B.A. in sociology at the Faculty of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University
1998 Completed the doctoral program (without a doctoral degree) at the Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University
Research Associate, Tohoku University
Awarded Research Fellowship for Young Scientists, The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Associate Professor, Hokkaido University of Education Kushiro Campus/Hakodate Campus,
Current position
- Degree
- Ph.D. (Literature)
- Field
- Sociology
- Research Subject
Meta-research of the social systems theory;
Sociological research of risk and knowledge/non-knowledge
- Keywords
- social systems theory; risk; knowledge/non-knowledge; trust
- Affiliation
- The Japan Sociological Society; Tohoku Sociological Society; Tohoku Sociological Association; The Sociology of Science Society of Japan; The Japan Association for the Study on the History of Sociology; The Society for Sociological Theory in Japan; etc.
- Database of Researchers Information
- Books
- 『リスク論のルーマン』、勁草書房、2003
- Academic Papers
『滲透するルーマン理論』、文眞堂、2013(with Takahashi Tōru and Kasuga Junichi)
「科学技術の『リスク』と組織―3.11以後のリスク規制に関するシステム論的考察」、『年報 科学・技術・社会』22巻、2013、89-107