
Professor ABE Tsuneyuki

Affiliations :

  • Graduate School Faculty of Arts and Letters
  • Division of Department of Integrated Human Sciences
  • Psychology and Linguistics Course
  • Department of Psychology

What it means to be “attractive”: from cosmetics to proper manners, and to disaster countermeasures

Cosmetics provide a well of topics for psychological research. Studies of skin care or of the relaxing effects of fragrance connect people’s mental and physical states, and thus enter the domain of psychophysiology. A research on makeup techniques belongs to the subfield of perceptual psychology, since makeup influences face perception and impressions of the looker. Cosmetic therapy has become a popular research object in clinical psychology. All these studies have convinced me that “cosmetics are the emotion regulation mechanism incorporated into our daily lives”.
Cosmetics are a means to improve outward attractiveness, but recently I have become equally interested in beautiful behavior. To stand in a line while waiting for a train is considered a desirable, pleasant type of conduct by city dwellers. And giving way to others and forming lines in front of the water truck is probably the ultimate politeness in the aftermath of disaster. Attempts to be attractive go beyond the issue of good looks. They can also become the basis of safe and healthy life in an evacuation center. Characteristics and outcomes of such “attractiveness” are now the main subject of my research.

  • Research, History
  • Books, papers, etc.
  • Courses
    Experimental Psychology (General Lecture); Experimental Psychology (Special Lecture); Experimental Psychology (Advanced Lecture); Basic Experiments In Psychology; Experimental Psychology (Seminar)
    Personal History
    Received a B.A. in psychology at the Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University
    Senior Researcher, Shiseido Institute of Beauty Sciences
    Completed the doctoral program at the Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University (mid-course admission; special admission for working adults)

    2005 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University
    Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University
    Current position
    Ph.D. (Literature)
    Psychology of Emotions; Psychophysiology; Cognitive Psychology; Disaster Psychology
    Research Subject
    Research on the physicality of emotions;
    Psychological functions of everyday behavior;
    Salivary cortisol measurement;
    Social meaning of face;
    Ecological functions of the sense of smell;
    Disaster and the emergent norm theory
    The Japanese Psychological Association; Japan Society for Research on Emotions; Japanese Society for Physiological Psychology and Psychophysiology; Japanese Academy of Facial Studies; Tohoku Psychological Association
    Database of Researchers Information
  • Books
    Academic Papers
    "Psychology of Cosmetic Behavior," in K. Sakamoto et al. Cosmetic Science and Technology: Theoretical Principles and Applications, Elsevier, 2017
    "Dark, cold and hungry, but full of mutual trust: Manners among the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake victims," in Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 7(1), 2014, 4-13(with Wiwattanapantuwong Juthatip and Akio Honda)
    「人格を代表するのは顔・身体のどの部位か―最期の別れで触れる場所」、『日本顔学会誌』、13(1)、2013、87-98(with Nakamata Tomoko and Hirano Daijirō)
    「嗅覚の単純接触効果―ジャスミン・ローズの睡眠中呈示」、『感情心理学研究』、17(2)、2009、84-93(with Fumitoshi Kikuchi and庄司耀)
    2011 29th Outstanding Paper Award, The Japanese Psychonomic Society
    2012 Tohoku University Award for Contribution to General Education (2011)
    2013 Original Research Award, 21st Annual Conference of Japan Society for Research on Emotions
    2013 Good Presentation Award, 21st Annual Conference of Japan Society for Research on Emotions
    2013 Harashima Award, 29th Annual Meeting of Japanese Academy of Facial Studies (J-FACE Forum 2013)
    「防災Up Dates」、 FM仙台(broadcast bi-annually since 2009)
    Director of Shiseido Beauty Academy; Chief director of the Society for the New Standards of Beauty