
Professor TSUJIMOTO Masahiro

Affiliations :

  • Graduate School Faculty of Arts and Letters
  • Division of Department of Integrated Human Sciences
  • Psychology and Linguistics Course
  • Department of Psychology

Grasping patterns of people’s lives

What does it mean to live? This question is the starting point of my research.
We experience ups and downs in the course of our lives. And no more do we need help of our companions than when we face trials. But it is much harder to support one another than one might imagine. How can people cooperate to overcome hardships? To find an answer, I conducted field work research on traditions of mutual aid in local communities.
In my other study I documented the lives of research participants with the aim to discern specific traits characterizing certain periods and societies, as well as people that belong to them. People spend their lives in local communities, at times directly influenced by the period they live in. Listening to the stories told by the locals, I try to discern how an individual exists within society and history.

  • Research, History
  • Books, papers, etc.
  • Courses
    Social Psychology (General Lecture); Cultural Psychology, etc.
    Personal History
    Graduated from the Faculty of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University
    Completed the doctoral program at the Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University

    Full-time Lecturer, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Iwaki Meisei University
    Current position

    I specialize in area studies, life history research, and theory of cooperative behavior.
    Ph.D. (Literature)
    Social Psychology
    Research Subject
    Mutual aid in local communities;
    Life history research;
    Nikkei communities in South America
    Cooperative behavior; field work; life history
    The Japanese Society of Social Psychology; The Japanese Group Dynamics Association
    Database of Researchers Information
  • Books
    『心理学の視点24』、国際文献社、2012(joint authorship)
    Academic Papers
    「文化間移動によるエスニック・アイデンティティの変容過程: 南米日系移住地から日本への移民労働者の事例研究」、『社会心理学研究』14巻、1998、1-11
    「沖縄の講集団にみる交換の生成」、『社会心理学研究』23巻、2007、162-172(with Kuniyoshi Miyako and Yokuda Iwao)
    "Migration, economic adaptation and mutual cooperation: Japanese rotating savings and credit associations in Argentina," in Global Migration and Ethnic Communities: Studies of Asia and South America, Trans Pacific Press, 2012