
Professor KIMURA Toshiaki
Affiliations :
- Graduate School Faculty of Arts and Letters
- Division of Department of Global Humanities
- Comparative and Cross-Cultural Studies Course
- Department of Religious Studies

- Research, History
- Books, papers, etc.
- Courses
- Science of Religions (General Lecture): Modern Society and Religion; Science of Religions (Special Lecture): Natural Disaster and Religion; Science of Religions (Field Work): How to research religions. From planning to fieldwork; Science of Religions (Introductory Seminar): How to study religions ― presentation and discussion class.
- Personal History
Graduated from the Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University
Completed the graduate program at the Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University
Lecturer, Faculty of Humanities, Hirosaki University
Visiting Scholar, Harvard-Yenching Institute
Current position
- Degree
- Ph.D. (Literature)
- Field
- Religious Studies; Anthropology of Religion
- Research Subject
Natural disasters and religion;
Modern transformations of folk belief;
Indonesian society and religion
- Affiliation
- Japanese Association for Religious Studies; The Folklore Society of Japan; The Association for Indology and Study of Religion; The Folklore Society of Tohoku
- Database of Researchers Information
- Books
Stratification in Cultural Contexts - Cases from East and Southeast Asia, Trans Pacific Press, 2013(editor)
『聞き書き震災体験-東北大学90人が語る3.11』、新泉社、 2012(supervisor)
『不平等生成メカニズムの解明―格差・階層・公正―』、ミネルヴァ書房、 2013(editor)
- Academic Papers
"Revival of Local Festivals and Religion after the Great East Japan Earthquake," in Journal of Religion in Japan vol.5., 2016, 227-245
"Social Change and Transformation in Toba Batak Ethnic Associations in Medan, Sumatra," in Stratification in Cultural Contexts - Cases from East and Southeast Asia, Ed. Kimura Toshiaki, Trans Pacific Press, 2013, 113-126
「二年遅れで復活した二十年周期の祭礼から見えてくる現実‐東松島市浜市御潮垢離行事」、『無形民俗文化財が被災するということー東日本大震災と宮城県沿岸部社会の民族誌』、高倉浩樹・滝澤克彦(編)、 新泉社、2014、102-110