
Professor TANIYAMA Yozo

Affiliations :

  • Graduate School Faculty of Arts and Letters
  • Division of Department of Global Humanities
  • Comparative and Cross-Cultural Studies Course
  • Department of Religious Studies

When in trouble, rely on “?”

So what does the question mark stand for? Friends, colleagues, loans, money, smartphones, Siri, curry, Yoshinoya, Rola, cats, bears, genes, stars, Buddha, power spots, paper, hair, gods… It appears that there are more variants of this saying than one can imagine. Apparently, depending on the circumstances some things can be even more reliable than divine protection. But where and how do people seek help when they part with a beloved one, suffer from a serious illness, or find themselves in some equally bleak situation? And how effective can this help be? Does everyone automatically return to their favorite temple, shrine, or church? And what about people who do not go there in the first place?
It is productive to ask these questions when we think about the concept of “mental health care” (a relatively new term that designates an old practice), which includes spiritual care, religious care, and grief care. Such an approach might lead to new discoveries.

  • Research, History
  • Books, papers, etc.
  • Courses
    Religious Anthropology (Advanced Lecture); Science of Religions (Introductory Reading); Advanced Study of Humanities and Social Sciences (Clinical Thanatology, Grief Care Studies, Spiritual Care studies)
    Personal History
    Completed the doctoral program in Indology and history of Indian Buddhism at the Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University

    2000-2003 Vihāra Monk (Buddhist Chaplain) on the Vihāra ward of Nagaoka Nishi Hospital
    2008 Associate Professor, Department of Human Welfare Studies, Faculty of Human and Social Studies, Shitennoji University
    2010 Researcher/Associate Professor, Institute of Grief Care, Sophia University
    2012 Associate Professor, Department of Practical Religious Studies, Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University
    2017 Appointed to current position
    Clinical Thanatology (Spiritual Care, Religious Care, Grief Care)
    Research Subject
    Application of sutra chanting, prayers and other religious practices as spiritual care
    Rinshoshukyoshi (spiritual care worker); chaplain; spiritual care; prayer; sutra chanting
    Japan Society for Spiritual Care; Japan Association for Buddhist Nursing and Vihāra Studies; Japanese Association for Religious Studies; The Association for Indology and Study of Religion; Japanese Society for Clinical Thanatology; The Japanese Society for Palliative Medicine
    Database of Researchers Information
  • Books
    医療者と宗教者のためのスピリチュアルケア 臨床宗教師の視点から[中外医学社、(2016)]谷山洋三
    スピリチュアルケアを語る 第三集 臨床的教育法の試み[関西学院大学出版会、(2010)]窪寺俊之・伊藤高章・谷山洋三編著
    Academic Papers
    経文聴取による不安低減効果の考察——不安低下に関する因子の探索——[『仏教看護・ビハーラ』18, (2024), 18-35]徳増平・杉浦元亮・森田敬史・奥井一幾・谷山洋三
    The Heart Consultation Room: Post-Disaster Care and Adapting Chaplaincy in Japan [Refuge in the Storm: Buddhist Voices in Crisis Care, Nathan Jishin Michon ed., Berkeley: North Atlantic Books, (2023), 209-214] Taniyama Yozo, trans. by Nathan Jishin Michon
    医療施設における宗教的背景と宗教家の活動:質問紙による実態調査[『宗教者は病院で何ができるのか:非信者へのケアの諸相』,(森田敬史・打本弘祐・山本佳世子編著、勁草書房), (2022), 7-26]谷山洋三・山本佳世子・森田敬史・葛西賢太・打本弘祐・柴田実
    How Grief, Funerals, and Poverty Affect Bereaved Health, Productivity, and Medical Dependance in Japan [OMEGA: Journal of Death and Dying, 85(3), (2022), 669-689] Becker, C.B., Taniyama, Y., Kondo-Arita, M., Yamada, S., & Yamamoto, K.
    スピリチュアルケアとその専門職の養成[『仏教は心の悩みにどう答えるのか』(坂井祐円編著, 晃洋書房), (2022), 102-128]谷山洋三
    Mourners’ Dissatisfaction with Funerals May Influence Their Subsequent Medical/Welfare Expenses – A Nationwide Survey in Japan [International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(1), (2022) , 486] Becker, C.B., Taniyama, Y., Sasaki, N., Kondo-Arita, M., Yamada, S., & Yamamoto, K.
    Unexpected Costs of Bereavement Grief in Japan: Patterns of Increased Use of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Financial Services [OMEGA: Journal of Death and Dying, 83(1), (2021), 142-156 Becker, C.B., Taniyama, Y., Kondo-Arita, M., Sasaki, N. Yamada, S., & Yamamoto, K.,
    人生100年時代を生きる知恵伝授『君たちはどう老いるか』…東北大と読売新聞共同企画(出演・執筆 新聞 読売新聞オンライン
    死に向き合い 癒やす僧侶(出演・執筆 新聞 読売新聞)(2024)
    コミュニティナースの時間 第54回(出演・執筆 ラジオ FMあおぞら)(2023)
    臨床宗教師 養成広がる(出演・執筆 新聞 読売新聞)(2023)
    看仏連携の展望語る 日本仏教看護・ビハーラ学会(出演・執筆 新聞 文化時報)(2022)
    東日本大震災から11年 宗教者による心のケアとは(出演・執筆 ラジオ NHKラジオ第1放送「Nらじ」)(2022)
    インタビューズーズー 聞くこと、送ること(出演・執筆 ラジオ NOOK
    死別の悲しみ抱え込まないで(出演・執筆 新聞 中日新聞)(2021)
    人々と共に 寺院・僧侶の今② 臨床宗教師(出演・執筆 新聞 河北新報)(2021)
    死別による生産性の低下・疾病・医療福祉依存の実態を調査—死別悲嘆のコストに、いかに対応できるか—(出演・執筆 オンライン記事 京都大学HP(研究成果)
    葬儀不満なら医療費増(出演・執筆 新聞 文化時報)(2020)
    超高齢社会において「死別の悲嘆」がもたらす社会的・経済的影響とは(出演・執筆 オンライン記事 大学ジャーナルオンライン
    「死別の悲嘆」が深刻なほど、遺族の生産性の低下、医療費が高くなる傾向—東北大ほか(出演・執筆 オンライン記事 QLifePro医療ニュース
    死別による悲嘆のコストに、いかに対応できるか—生産性の低下・疾病・医療福祉依存の実態を調査—(出演・執筆 オンライン記事 東北大学HP(2020年プレスリリース・研究成果)
    伊藤英明主演でドラマ化、医師の心も癒す臨床宗教師とは?(出演・執筆 オンライン記事 特集:患者の願いを叶える『CaNoW』Vol.11