
Professor TANIYAMA Yozo

Affiliations :

  • Graduate School Faculty of Arts and Letters
  • Division of Department of Global Humanities
  • Comparative and Cross-Cultural Studies Course
  • Department of Religious Studies

When in trouble, rely on “?”

So what does the question mark stand for? Friends, colleagues, loans, money, smartphones, Siri, curry, Yoshinoya, Rola, cats, bears, genes, stars, Buddha, power spots, paper, hair, gods… It appears that there are more variants of this saying than one can imagine. Apparently, depending on the circumstances some things can be even more reliable than divine protection. But where and how do people seek help when they part with a beloved one, suffer from a serious illness, or find themselves in some equally bleak situation? And how effective can this help be? Does everyone automatically return to their favorite temple, shrine, or church? And what about people who do not go there in the first place?
It is productive to ask these questions when we think about the concept of “mental health care” (a relatively new term that designates an old practice), which includes spiritual care, religious care, and grief care. Such an approach might lead to new discoveries.

  • Research, History
  • Books, papers, etc.
  • Courses
    Religious Anthropology (Advanced Lecture); Science of Religions (Introductory Reading); Advanced Study of Humanities and Social Sciences (Clinical Thanatology, Grief Care Studies, Spiritual Care studies)
    Personal History
    Completed the doctoral program in Indology and history of Indian Buddhism at the Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University

    2000-2003 Vihāra Monk (Buddhist Chaplain) on the Vihāra ward of Nagaoka Nishi Hospital
    2008 Associate Professor, Department of Human Welfare Studies, Faculty of Human and Social Studies, Shitennoji University
    2010 Researcher/Associate Professor, Institute of Grief Care, Sophia University
    2012 Associate Professor, Department of Practical Religious Studies, Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University
    2017 Appointed to current position
    Clinical Thanatology (Spiritual Care, Religious Care, Grief Care)
    Research Subject
    Application of sutra chanting, prayers and other religious practices as spiritual care
    Rinshoshukyoshi (spiritual care worker); chaplain; spiritual care; prayer; sutra chanting
    Japan Society for Spiritual Care; Japan Association for Buddhist Nursing and Vihāra Studies; Japanese Association for Religious Studies; The Association for Indology and Study of Religion; Japanese Society for Clinical Thanatology; The Japanese Society for Palliative Medicine
    Database of Researchers Information
  • Books
    『医療者と宗教者のためのスピリチュアルケア 臨床宗教師の視点から』、中外医学社、2016
    『スピリチュアルケアを語る 第三集 臨床的教育法の試み』、関西学院大学出版会、2010(co-editor)
    学位論文 『バルアの仏教と社会 −−バングラデシュの仏教徒の現状−−[関西学院大学出版会学位論文オンデマンド出版サービス]、2006
    『スピリチュアルケアを語る --ホスピス,ビハーラの臨床から』、関西学院大学出版会、2004(with Itō Takaaki and Kubotera Toshiyuki)
    Academic Papers
    「経文聴取による喪失悲嘆ストレスのケア」、『仏教看護・ビハーラ』11、2016、151-165(joint authorship)
    「継続する絆をつなぐ宗教的資源 −−東日本大震災の被災者支援の現場から-」、『死生学年報 2016』、東洋英和女学院大学死生学研究所編、リトン、27-42、2016
    「電話相談における宗教協力の意義」、『論集(印度学宗教学会)』 42、2015、41-55(with Morita Takafumi)
    "Chaplaincy Work in Disaster Areas: Potential and Challenges," in Religion and Psychotherapy in Modern Japan, Eds. C. Harding, F. Iwata, and S. Yoshinaga, London and New York: Routledge, 2014, 250-266
    "Religious Care by Zen Buddhist Monks: A Response to Criticism of "Funeral Buddhism"," in Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought, 33, 2014, 1-12 (with Carl B. Becker)
    「読経聞くとストレス軽減」、新聞 仏教タイムス、2016(writing and presentation)
    Panel on memorial services to appease aborted fetuses and sutra chanting at the Japanese Association for Religious Studies (various publications in Bukkyo-times), 2016
    「お経でストレス軽減」 新聞 河北新報、2016(writing and presentation)
    "Ghost of Tsunami"、ラジオ BBC RADIO 4、2016(writing and presentation)
    「日本臨床宗教師会が発足」、新聞 仏教タイムス、2016(writing and presentation)
    「絶縁社会第5回 なぜ人は人と関わるのか」、新聞 南御堂、2015-16(出演・執筆(writing and presentation)
    「東北発未来塾 聴くチカラ」、テレビ Eテレ、2016(writing and presentation)