
Division of Department of Global Humanities Department of European and American History

We study European history originating in the ancient Mediterranean world
The Department of European and American History studies historical periods and regions described in surviving written records. In other words, it starts with chronicles of the ancient Mediterranean world, and follows the region through the Middle Ages, which defined the shape of the European realm, to the history of modern Europe and North and South America, and, ultimately, to the historical events of today.
In order to shed light on human activities in those periods, we investigate surviving historical materials, consult previous research in Japanese and other languages, and draw in knowledge from archaeology and other adjacent disciplines. We believe that reconstructing the entire picture of the world history is the mission of highest importance for researchers of the 21st century.
Our department will provide a favorable research and educational environment for those of you who intend to study languages, carefully analyze historical sources and documents, personally visit historical sites in Europe and America, and use all the knowledge accumulated thus far to contemplate the past, present, and future of the mankind.
Our students gain the skills to analyse sources and the ability to think historically, in addition to learning foreign languages. While some of them prefer to utilize their specialized knowledge working in education, many graduates find jobs in other fields, for instance, in government offices, communications, manufacturing businesses, and IT.
Teachers ARIMITSU Hideyuki
ASAOKA ZenjiDepartment Website
Message from Senior